The unusual behavior of a romantic partner may leave you feeling confused Taurus. Is your partner avoiding you? Do phone calls go unanswered? Forget it. Some people view too much intimacy as a threat and decide to ignore it. It is best to avoid bringing up sensitive topics. Go out to dinner with friends and be friendly. For now, keep romance away from the equation!
The planetary alignment means that you need to put down your bow and focus on your goal. It will not be easy, or even possible, to reach your goal if your thoughts keep bouncing around in all directions. Get the sleep you deserve. Rest is essential for your body to function properly. To cleanse your liver, include beets and tomatoes along with young dandelion. You should also make an effort to do mild exercises almost every day.
Today’s alignment brings an unexpected benefit. As long as your ability to handle the situation, you will be able to have all you need. Although you might be tempted by the idea of making a big move in your relationship life, you should not underestimate your ability to keep it all together. You are likely to find the one that you love. Before you make a move, it is best to cool off.
“The biggest wall you have to climb is the one you build in your mind: Never let your mind talk you out of your dreams, trick you into giving up. Never let your mind become the greatest obstacle to success. To get your mind on the right track, the rest will follow.”
Colors of the day: Charcoal, Cyan
Lucky Numbers of the day: 1, 4, 9
Lucky Alphabets you will be in sync with: E, Z
Cosmic Tip: Make efforts to understand your priorities that can align with your immediate surrounding.
Tips for Singles: You need to be cautious when it comes to matters of love. You will end up regretting if you make decisions in a rush.
Tips for Couples: Make time for the person who loves you the most.