This day you are likely to make wasteful expenditure. You will be more reckless, extravagant than you can afford to be.
Your expenses are sure to outweigh your income. Be as tightfisted as you can. Not buying anything unnecessary or too costly can help control losses, points out Ganesha.
Think twice before you decide before purchasing anything. It would be a great idea if you avoided going to the malls or the markets today.
You are eager to establish a new rhythm that you can sustain throughout the season. Thankfully, the Sun’s return to your sign boosts your energy today, bringing a new wave of confidence.
Although you are certain you will finish whatever you begin, your rigidity increases when you start to realize your current strategy might not be good enough now.
Obviously, it’s just as crucial to be aware of your limitations as it is to have faith in yourself. However, focusing on your strengths rather than lamenting your weaknesses enables you to soldier on with a positive attitude.
The Sun’s return to Taurus today brings you to the start of your birthday month and new solar year. Yet this is something that begun six weeks ago, in all but name.
The Sun’s first full day in Taurus comes just as Mercury and Mars are in their last full day. This brings the Sun’s foresight and clarity together with Mercury’s intellectually savvy edge and 20/20 hindsight.
With Mars in his final days in Taurus, you’ll have a clear sense of what excites you from the get go.
Lucky Numbers
4, 12, 14, 29, 30, 44
Daily Compatibility