You don’t seem to realize how passionate you are towards certain issues, and have a chance to work on things that truly inspire you and make you feel confident and strong. Don’t neglect any opportunities that come to your doorstep, for those that seem shady and unclear have a tendency to develop in a desired direction.
Think about your goals and the plan you wish to follow in the future. Your career won’t wait for too long, but rest is as necessary as ever and you have a task to find balance between the two.
You’re wondering if everyone could benefit from a temporary spring hibernation in light of recent discord. You want to pull the covers back over your head today and close your eyes to the stress, hoping it will all come out in the wash.
But your silence could serve as inaccurate confirmation or complicit denial if you don’t participate in discussions that involve you now. Step out of your comfort zone to ensure your assumptions don’t cause problems you will only have to fix later. When in doubt, ask.
For a sign renowned for being patient, you could be at risk of allowing impatience to get the better of you now and this probably has more to do with how emotionally attached you are to a certain situation or arrangement.
Making your mark or your point of view known doesn’t need to be reinforced with intense emotional energy. Trust that your belief in something isn’t being questioned.