It will not be possible to ignore intense emotions surrounding a romantic dilemma today.

A part of you would like very much to ignore the red flags that you see in front of you at this moment, but this may not be an option.

Having a conversation with a trusted friend can lead to revelations about how to manage unexpected changes in your romantic world.

Embrace what’s happening around you without judgment. Stay positive and you will be able to approach matters of the heart with grace right now.

A relationship matter needs to be seen in the right perspective because something petty could be at risk of being exaggerated now.

Being honest about why you feel you’re not supported in a way you wish you were by a loved one or someone close might help take a conversation in a necessary direction but try to be aware of when you’re laboring a point.

With one quick and open exchange, a trivial matter can be addressed and put to rest.

Representatives of your sign will focus on love and relationships during this time, because Mars and Jupiter will prompt you to take decisive action, but be careful because tempting propositions can bring you trouble.

Load up with optimistic emotions, whatever happens around you. You are currently finding it difficult to make new acquaintances with friends of your loved ones. At all costs try to be calm.

You may need time to observe and analyze another side of your current situation before you take action.

Any transformations now will only change things for the better, and improve your life in general. Don’t be surprised if you are offered a trip to somewhere exotic.

While it is true that you do need to think clearly about how to achieve your goals and plans, only your heart can tell you what those really are. Listen to advices that benefit you.

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