The Moon is still in Virgo and in your 5th house of romance, however it is also squaring Mercury in your 8th house.
Do you feel like you have a healthy balance between the fun, lighter aspects of your romantic partnerships and the heavier/more intense ones? Healthy and fulfilling relationships have a combination of the two.
In order to have true intimacy and depth within your relationship, it is necessary that you feel secure in your connection and have trust in your partner to share with them the parts of yourself that you generally don’t expose to the public world.
The parts of you that you might deem darker or less perky. If you can’t share that with your nearest and dearest who else can you share it with?
Although you have set certain standards for your love life, the boundaries that you have established with a friend may become a little blurry, making a love connection seem likely at this time.
The Moon opposes fuzzy Neptune, creating mild confusion in your heart as you tend to the curiosities and romantic adventures.
Don’t worry about keeping up with your social world if you can find some peace and quiet right now. Taking time to ponder current matters of love and romance is going to be a wise move today.
Coming up with imaginative solutions to romantic or relationship dilemmas or concerns will take the edge off of any tension brewing in the background.
It’s also possible you’re discovering or rediscovering passionate feelings that could feel overwhelming at times.
However, slow, calculated steps are essential for progress now. Be clever, but also be prepared to give your innovative ideas time to mature gradually.