Teamwork makes the holiday dream work! However you celebrate (or don’t), this is shaping up to be an extra-festive season, and no small part of the credit goes to you!

This brings together several of your gifts and passions—merrymaking, going all out, and playing entertainment director—and you’re at the top of your game.

Starting Monday, December 24 (Christmas Eve), social Mercury will toboggan through your celebratory fifth house for the rest of the year, sprinkling even more pixie dust into your life. But while you’re in go-go mode, pay attention to who might be lurking on the sidelines.

On Monday, Mercury squares off with sensitive Neptune in your emotionally intense—and private—eighth house. Someone may not be in holiday spirits, but you have the magic ability to bring them out of their shell.

Even if they don’t come prancing onto the main stage, at least you can get them to verbalize what’s troubling them—and help them see that there are other options.

You may naturally gravitate away from the Debbie Downers on Tuesday, when not just Santa but a feisty moon-Jupiter junction raises your spirits to the highest possible levels.

With la luna in your sign teamed up with super-sizer Jupiter in your festive fifth house, there’s no limit to the fun (the SEXY fun) you might get up to.

Wouldn’t it be just like you to turn a religious holiday into an occasion for some dirty dancing or seductive karaoke?

Or, if the plan is to stay in, open a reserve bottle, heat up some yummy appetizers, and entertain your company with some classic movies or games…or if it’s just the two of you, use your imagination!

On Saturday, plan to shut out the wider world and bond with a special someone. Thanks to a super-rare sync-up of lusty Mars and cathartic Chiron in your sensual, seductive eighth house, you’ll be in the mood for some sexual healing.

This heavenly hookup only happens once every other year, and its powers can be potent! If you’re in a LTR and can’t wriggle out of plans for a group hang, have an excuse at the ready to duck out early.

One or two people might take offense, but hey, they’ll get over it. If you ARE in carousing spirits, by all means go out, but limit the numbers so you can actually hear one another.

Single Leos should aim for intimacy, even if that means leaving the main area and heading to a quiet table in the corner where you can get to know someone a little—or a whole lot—better.

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