This month has already been packed full of planetary shifts: there was a new moon in Scorpio, Venus went direct, and Mercury went retrograde (ugh).

Then, early on Friday the 23rd, the Full Beaver Moon will rise in Gemini. It’s a significant lunar experience for a few reasons.

First, because it’s also appearing early in Sagittarius season, we’ll deal with the polarity of the Archer versus the Twins. Gemini and Sagittarius are astrological opposites; the Gemini is more cerebral and likes to be in control, while Sag is more spontaneous and open to wherever the wind takes them.

This Full Beaver Moon asks us to seek a balance between the two. Maybe it’s to find the adventure amidst the familiar, or maybe it’s about saying yes to a new journey—after we’ve worked out the logistics.

However, Gemini and Sagittarius are also similar in a few ways: they both like to search out the unknown, and they also love to talk, which means this is the optimal time to express your feelings and/or desires, especially if they might propel you forward into a new phase of your life.

Since we’re in the midst of Mercury Retrograde, though, it’s best to proceed with caution. Take action, but don’t go full out. Be mindful and know things are improving slowly but surely.

This full moon is also special because it’s named for the beaver. Some believe it’s called the Full Beaver Moon because it rises around the time its namesakes are busy building their winter dams in preparation for the cold months.

Perhaps now is the time to start working on projects, relationships, or ways of being that will help you feel confident and secure for the months ahead.

Here’s what else the stars have in store for you under this Full Beaver Moon, according to your zodiac sign:


Take time to renew and restore, Aries. Changes are ahead, but it’s best to take baby steps at this time. Know what you want, but be easy about it.


You’re slowly getting reconnected to yourself, Taurus.

Take this time to acknowledge how far you’ve come over the last few months and trust that more good things are to come.


Allow yourself to get still and dream big, Gemini.

When you’re alone with your thoughts, you can dream up magical things that can come true if you let yourself believe.


There are old habits and routines that need to be kicked to the curb, Cancer.

Change is hard, but staying the same is even harder. Be gentle with yourself as you embrace the new.


While you’ve been experiencing frustration lately, Leo, know that things are about to improve when it comes to your professional and personal life.

Hold yourself in a higher vibration and you’ll attract those changes faster.


You might’ve felt tense about a certain relationship or situation, Virgo. It’s time to release.

Whether that means expressing your truth or letting it go, know that whatever happens is for the best.


Balance is your strength, Libra, but this full moon is asking you to take a chance.

What is your natural reflex when it comes to a situation? Do the opposite of that and see what it brings.


It’s okay to feel good, Scorpio. Sometimes you feel uneasy when things seem to be working out for you, but remember: you’re allowed to get what you want. Revel in the moment.


It’s time to get clear about where you want to go, Sag.

It’s easy for you to want it all, but specificity and clarity will lead you to more fulfillment. Laser in on what you want and then go after it.


You’re living in the past more than you are in the present, Capricorn.

Know that you are far more powerful now than you’ve ever been. Release what no longer works and focus on what does.


It’s time to close the gap, Aquarius. You’re busy keeping score on something, but you’ve been hesitant to take action.

If you want a solution, you’ll have to take matters into your own hands.


You’re feeling discouraged, Pisces, but, like Dorothy in Oz, you’ve had the power all along.

Believe in your gifts and know that you’re good enough for all that you dream of. Don’t give up on what you desire.

Full moons are the perfect time to see how far we’ve come and where we’re going, bbs. Don’t let the past dictate the future as you prepare to embrace the Universe’s new blessings.

/Based On Materials From: Brianne Hogan

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