You’re generous to a fault, Archer, and people are in awe of your ability to live in the moment. But on Monday, December 24—which is also Christmas Eve—you have a beautiful opportunity to step outside your own life and bring joy to someone’s world who is truly in need of uplifting.
With messenger Mercury in your sign lined up with compassionate Neptune in your sentimental fourth house, you have a rare opportunity to use your power and influence for good. Volunteer at a shelter, make a donation to a charity—in lieu of gifts for certain relatives or just ‘cause!
Another way to do real good is to simply set aside all judgment or negativity and be fully present with people—even the ones with the long, drawn-out stories. You don’t have to get sucked into their maelstrom of misery; just let them feel heard and acknowledged.
If it seems they’re about to repeat themselves, cut ‘em off with a hug and some reassuring words, then get back to the all-important job of partying.
Loitering on the sidelines? Not this Christmas, you’re not! Tuesday’s skies feature an upbeat Leo moon in your expansive ninth house—and it’s perfectly aligned with your ruler, jolly Jupiter, in your sign, forming an electrifying “fire trine.”
Talk about being the life of the party! You can glam up, dress down—or maybe take a comic turn as a silly Santa or naughty elf.
The Leo moon calls forth your leadership skills, so if the crowd is amenable, organize a playful gift exchange or more serious sharing of 2019 resolutions.
But call them “intentions” to remove any implication that something needs to be “fixed.” If you’re home on your own and seeking company, don’t wait to be invited. Reach out to family or BFFs: They may be shocked they forgot to invite you in the first place!
Take a minute to tune in to what YOU want to do this weekend instead of getting so caught up in everyone else’s plans.
On Saturday—that sweet weekend between Xmas and New Year’s—motivated Mars merges with healing comet Chiron in your domestic sector, urging you to let your emotions guide the planning process.
There’s no “right” or “wrong,” Sag: just what feels best to you. You might have committed to something earlier in the week only to now want nothing more than a night on the couch with Thai takeout and the remote. (And maybe one special someone.)
If you do go out, you’ll probably want to keep it low-key—i.e., no crazy crowded scenes where you’re dodging elbows and spilled drinks all night.
Maybe the perfect compromise is inviting a few close friends over for an intimate potluck…that might even turn into a vision-boarding party or a divination night. But again, the way to this decision isn’t by thinking it through, but FEELING your way.