People can be especially sensitive or easy on the trigger today, dear Cancer, with a Venus-Pluto square at play, bringing up a bit of paranoia or suspicion in our interactions.

Those things we’ve buried or ignored, mainly related to our fears, can emerge in unruly ways, but a little self-knowledge and understanding can go a long way.

Your ambitions are motivating and enjoyable these days with Venus at the top of your solar chart, but resentments from others or your own fear of pulling yourself away from a relationship can interfere with the fun.

Aim to make peace with the past rather than bring it into the present in disruptive ways. The Moon spends the day in the sign just behind yours, and you deserve a break from the routine.

It’s a natural time of the month to pull into yourself just a little so that you can rest, heal, and re-energize.

You could be painfully aware of the conflict between your desire for personal expression and the pressure you feel from your career responsibilities.

You don’t like being rushed along too quickly; instead, you want to dig in your heels and tell everyone to leave you alone today. Asking for what you want doesn’t necessarily mean you will be satisfied.

However, you might not be able to stop yourself from demanding more, even if this kind of assertive behavior isn’t your usual style. Make a quick retreat to regain your emotional security if you say more than you intend.

As much as the Sun might be in his early days in your career sector, you will find it a lot easier to pace yourself.

A combination of Mars gone from your work sector and Mercury in retrograde motion in your career sector has taken away the rush mentality.

This might be partly because Mars’ final days gave you the push to get ahead, but regardless of your workload or how far ahead or behind you are, you’ll find it much easier to pace yourself.

Cicero wrote, “Silence is one of the great arts of conversation.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 12, 19, 21, 25, 38, 44

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

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