The Moon spends today and tomorrow in your opposite sign, dear Cancer, turning your attention to close relationships and areas of your life that have fallen out of balance.

This is a good time to learn a few things through your interactions with someone special in your life, even if it’s an indirect “lesson.”

With the Moon coming to an alignment with Saturn, a mature, forthright approach in your dealings is your best bet.

Even so, a person in your life may remind you of a responsibility, or there can be a criticism to deal with, and this can temporarily deflate you.

With Mercury at the top of your chart until the 13th, you are rarely short of ideas related to business and long-range, life-path goals.

However, filtering them is not always easy. Take steps to narrow things down, pace yourself, and prioritize.

Wait a couple of days before launching new projects or buying big items, just to be sure these things are still viable.

You might feel as if you’re being unjustly singled out today when someone criticizes your performance or throws a roadblock in front of your plans.

However, it’s a mistake to take a friend’s lack of support as a personal attack when no one is actually out to get you.

There may be a genuine difference of opinion when it comes to judging the best way to do a job. Rather than slipping into a defensive mode, listen to what you’re being told.

Your chances of success are enhanced if you can use what you learn now to improve your game.

With the Moon, Saturn, Mars and Pluto all in your opposing sign there may be a sense of its ‘me against the world’ today or a feeling that you’re up against others’ agendas or just strong personalities. Don’t overreact, but don’t stick your head in the sand either.

There are no planets in Cancer for these planets to move into opposition with, so there shouldn’t be any personal and/or relationship tension. However, there is likely to be a strong sense of ‘what about me’?

Today’s Quote: “Do something now that will make the person you’ll be tomorrow proud to have been the person you are today.”

Lucky Numbers: 2, 4, 11, 12, 13, 29

Daily Compatibility: Pisces

Creativity: Good

Love: Excellent

Business: Fair

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