There may be a bit of a hump to get over this morning, dear Cancer, or a disappointment to face.

You might be feeling very confident and idealistic one minute, but then something discourages you. New plans can hit snags or roadblocks now.

Worries about a relationship or demands from others can be distracting. While you should certainly address concerns, avoid allowing these things take away too much energy and focus. As the day progresses, you’re more likely to feel empowered and on top of your life.

Fortunately, tonight you’re more able to unwind and let problems go, and this is particularly useful with a New Moon occurring tomorrow morning. Don’t speed ahead just yet. Instead, gather your thoughts and formulate your plans.

You are in direct communication with your creative muse today, but your associates at work might see a much more practical side of you.

The truth is you are simultaneously following two very different trajectories, one of them is artistic and the other is productive.

Luckily, there are no logistical restraints that prevent you from exploring avenues of self-expression while still fulfilling your commitments. There is always room for the magic of imagination.

Just a day before Uranus’ game changing return to a social and serendipitous part of your chart, a New Moon here today is a chance to kick things off.

You’re moving into a new chapter in your life that is focused more on teamwork and collaboration, but also where the laws of synchronicity are due to become a lot more potent.

While Uranus brings a serendipitous day for career and professional matters, there is something special brewing on the social front.

Author Colin Wright wrote, “Extremes are easy. Strive for balance.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Fair

Lucky Numbers: 10, 13, 20, 22, 40, 43

Daily Compatibility: Taurus

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