You can have a strong desire to put your thoughts and things into order these days, dear Sagittarius, but this morning, there can also be some pressure to come up with answers that you’re not ready to deal with or provide.

Watch carefully for clues on which plans or projects need refinement. While on the surface of things it may not seem as if you are accomplishing much at the moment, you may be laying down important groundwork or simply taking a pause that refreshes.

If you experience delays today, try to treat them as welcome opportunities to review and reevaluate matters in your life.

Practical responsibilities that need immediate attention can be a brief blockage that might even strengthen your ambition.

Keep in mind that there’s a New Moon tomorrow, making now a good time to wind down and center yourself in preparation for a new cycle.

You might wonder why you’re feeling so optimistic about nearly everything in your life today, especially if you’re struggling with annoying logistics.

It may seem like the simplest tasks are more complicated than ever as items on your schedule conflict with one another.

Ironically, the fact that nothing is easy now gives you hope for the future. You are eager to make your mark even if it means fighting an uphill battle in order to reach the top.

For Mars, planet of passion and the warrior planet of the cosmos the timing of today’s New Moon couldn’t be any better.

Falling in your work sector during Mars’ last full day in your income sector, this gives the warrior planet of the cosmos the kind of leverage to make his last full day here count.

Yet missing is any kind of urgency, as today’s New Moon simply opens the door to the biggest period of job growth you’ve ever seen. It’s time to start fighting for what you deserve.

Robert Collier wrote, “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in and day-out.”

Creativity: Fair

Love: Excellent

Business: Excellent

Lucky Numbers: 5, 17, 24, 25, 28, 36

Daily Compatibility: Leo

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