Conversations today tend to revolve around love, the past, and emotions, dear Cancer, and you can be busy making sense of something.

With Venus retrograde, the past is sure to be a big topic now, and this can be an illuminating time.

However, you may want to avoid getting too caught up in past behaviors when you are interacting with familiar people. If it didn’t work in the past, it’s certainly not going to work now!

You are well-received now, even if you are a little distant and withdrawn. While your romantic life may be on the tricky side until at least next month, talks and thoughts ensue, and you’re drawing some interesting conclusions.

Personal fulfillment is a question with retrograde Venus. This is a fine time for reevaluating particular areas of your life, mainly related to creativity, hobbies, romance, and friendship.

Some of you can reconnect with an old love or friend, or you may be learning something new about a previous relationship.

What you want to articulate might seem just outside the reach of your conscious mind today.

A question posed by a love interest or other important person in your life stirs a lot of feelings, none of which are likely to be immediately simple to put into words.

However, self-expression does find its own way to gush when given half a chance. And if the subconscious is allowed free rein, non-verbal communication can speak volumes. Let it flow.

Something is shifting and you’re starting to trust that the light at the end of the tunnel is not the headlights of yet another oncoming train.

Change is in the air and the deeper you move into this period of change, the more fear and anxiety are turning into anticipation and expectation.

It is the things that you’re passionate about that are calling your name, at the same time that you’re fighting for the freedom to be yourself.

Today’s Quote: “The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.”

Lucky Numbers: 17, 20, 24, 27, 30, 43

Daily Compatibility: Virgo

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Good

Business: Good

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