The Moon moves into your solar eleventh house today, dear Cancer, where it will stay for a couple of days.
It’s a gently stimulating transit, particularly regarding reaching out to others or latching onto a special heartfelt pursuit.
If you’re looking for support, advice, and structure, you’re likely to find these things through the people you connect with today as the Moon and Saturn connect in a harmonious aspect.
You’re likely to feel quite capable of meeting your responsibilities right now and happy to do so. Your sense of timing is good right now, and plans may come together satisfyingly.
Your tendency to turn inward goes hand in hand with reflecting on your personal history today. Tension builds with regards to how you remember previous events, and this stressful energy beckons you to reexamine your past.
Fortunately, you can gain a new understanding about old attachments that still hinder your soul’s growth.
One solution to overcome this inner obstacle is asking others for support. Emotional growth isn’t always easy, but you don’t have to work on it in a vacuum.
When life gets busy, complicated or just stressful for a Cancerean, the natural tendency is put your head down, tail up, put your ‘big girl’ or your ‘big boy’ pants on and just ‘get on with it’.
Yet life is throwing enough at you at the moment to make the case, but something special is developing that is saving you from your own natural tendencies to just tough this out.
The spirit of collaboration, friendship and both personal and professional networking and relationship building is taking hold.
You might be more than capable of carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, but today’s stars remind you that you are also part of a village.
Today’s Quote: “Be happy not because everything is good, but because you can see the good side of everything.”
Lucky Numbers: 2, 7, 10, 11, 24, 26
Daily Compatibility: Taurus
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Good