You’ll feel more get-up-and-go when the Moon enters your sign today, dear Taurus. You’re luminous now.
You are acknowledging feelings that you’ve recently pushed to the side. Emotions are sharp and clear. With the Moon’s connection to Saturn, the energies of the day favor channeling emotions in constructive, helpful, and practical ways.
You’re able to sort, organize, and prioritize with Saturn’s support now. While you can be focusing on details, it’s also a powerful time for big-picture thinking and making overview plans.
You can be feeling on top of your game now, particularly if you manage to resolve a problem that has been dragging you down.
The frantic energy of the last few days finally settles down, so you can regain your footing. The Moon’s shift into your stable sign allows you to reconnect with the basics as you seek ways to eliminate nonessential activities.
In fact, the degree to which you are emotionally balanced now is directly proportional to your physical comfort, so it’s wise to find some time to pamper yourself.
A bubble bath, a massage, or just curling up by the fire with a good book and a cup of cocoa will do wonders. Take care of your senses and the rest will take care of itself.
The Moon’s last visit to Taurus for the year is always a valuable chance to check in, with a chance to both look back over the year that has been and forward, to what might be waiting for you on the other side of the New Year.
With Mars returning to Taurus in February and Uranus in early March, where he will remain for the next seven years, 2019 is not just destined to be a year of major new beginnings, but the start of several years of major new beginnings.
Until then, this last visit for the year is a chance to reflect back on the journey this year has taken you on.
Today’s Quote: “Be happy not because everything is good, but because you can see the good side of everything.”
Lucky Numbers: 8, 17, 20, 22, 25, 31
Daily Compatibility: Cancer
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Good