A Uranus-Vesta aspect influencing the day is excellent for progress with your work, chores, or duties, dear Cancer. It’s a time of updates rather than big changes, and this suits you well! You’re willing to put in the effort now.

The Moon spends the day in your sector of dreams, wishes, causes, happiness, and friendship, and highlights the need for lighthearted activities. Relationships also deserve a light touch, although there may be a bit of drama in your social life today.

Creative solutions to any problems that might emerge now are ripe for the picking. Mercury retrogrades tomorrow, and it makes sense to defer big decisions for later.

You may be so comfortable with your current plans that you miss a significant memo from the cosmos, warning you to remain flexible in spite of your self-confidence.

You are determined to show your coworkers what you can do, rather than retreating to reevaluate your strategy. Nevertheless, it’s not wise to let your ego run the show now, even if you possess the willpower to persevere.

There is not only a lot of focus on your career and professional situation, matters and options today, but a huge amount of voices and influences in play.

As the Sun spends his first full day in your career sector he is focused on where things stand now, while Venus is looking to the future as Mercury prepares for his retrograde turn tomorrow, when his focus will shift to the past. Your job is to simply observe as the lines between the past, present and future begin to blur.

Author Carlos Wallace wrote, “Take in every detail of your environment and adapt.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Excellent

Lucky Numbers: 10, 16, 30, 38, 40, 48

Daily Compatibility: Virgo

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