So much for that neat balance between your personal and professional lives, Cancer! You had been doing a decent job—then WHAM! Driven Mars in your career zone squares off with manipulative Pluto in your relationship realm, throwing you for a major loop.

Before you toss in the towel—or go off on a rant you’ll instantly regret—pull back and try to view the larger picture. While it’s a nice fantasy to believe you can please all the people all the time, you know perfectly well that you can’t; no one can.

This is where things like “prioritizing” and “picking your battles” come into play. (Also standing your ground and not letting anyone—neither boss nor lover—guilt-trip you into doing something that doesn’t sing to your soul.)

Striking an equilibrium entails deciding what is most urgent. Map out a timeline for what has to be done by when. Then have a calm and loving sit-down with your partner or anyone who feels short-changed by your work.

First explain what you have to do and what you might be able to put off, then talk about how you two will spend your time together, giving you both something to look forward to. At work, hash out a realistic plan with your manager or team members and commit to your part, even if it means burning the midnight oil a few nights (or several).

But if this is going to threaten your partnership—or your chances of getting into one—let them know your bottom line. If you don’t put up boundaries and limits now, it may never happen!

Get ahead on work assignments by “stealing” a little time this Saturday, when you’ll have wind in your sails from a harmonious alignment of activator Uranus in your professional zone and dedicated Venus in your work and service sector.

You’ll be firing on all cylinders and might hit on THE perfect solution or system for an issue that’s had you stymied. Set your alarm for an hour earlier than usual; skip out on the mimosa-soaked brunch.

Even a few uninterrupted hours will be highly productive. And if you have even more time on your hands, turn this industrious energy toward a personal organization project you never find the time for.

With a little focus, you’ll make tons of progress, and by merging Venus’ aesthetic eye with Uranus’ innovative streak, you might actually reinvent the wheel—and an eye-popping one at that!

You’ll be happy you cleared some work off your plate and tidied up the bedroom on Sunday. Love planet Venus zooms into Capricorn and your seventh house of relationships until March 1, intensifying your urge to merge.

Capricorn energy is grounded, committed and willing to wait for something that’s worth it. Single? Add some dazzling new photos to your online dating profile, fluff up your blurb, head out to a well-known mingling spot and work your Venus-powered mojo.

Attached? Over the next four weeks, focus on bringing more romantic moments to your union, canceling non-essential plans and making your S.O. top priority. And since Venus rules not only romance but the arts, this cycle may launch an inspired creative collaboration. Hmm, could your bandmate also be your bedmate?

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