“Oops, did I just say that out loud?” Beginning this Tuesday, March 5, you may wonder this more often than you’d prefer as loose-lipped Mercury turns retrograde in Pisces and your outspoken ninth house.
There’s nothing wrong with calling it like you see it, Cancer—you’re too opinionated to have it any other way! But while Mercury’s in reverse until March 28, appearances can be deceiving.
Since there are bound to be more nuances than meet the eye, deeper research is warranted before casting judgment. Even if your assessments ARE spot-on, drop your truth bombs at opportune moments, when people are actually open to hearing feedback. Whenever possible, frame it as constructive criticism—and don’t lose the upper hand by being reactionary.
In moments like those, just hit the “ignore” button instead of engaging in heated debates, as those could get fiery enough to burn bridges during this three-week phase. A travel plan may be stalled or become overly complex under Mercury’s spell.
It might be best to reschedule this journey for early April, or simplify your itinerary so there’s room to be spontaneous in the face of Mercury’s curveballs.
Since retrogrades rule the past, this wouldn’t be a bad time to revisit a locale that holds special meaning in your heart. Bonus points if you get to connect to an old friend, lover, or long-lost relative while you’re there. Now for the next question: Where the heck is your passport?
You’ll certainly want to find it fast! On Wednesday, a wicked case of wanderlust could strike under the Pisces new moon. Start a Pinterest board of must-see destinations and set up fare saver alerts.
You don’t have to rush off for immediate departure. But aim to have some dreamy new GPS coordinates to gush about by the corresponding full moon in Pisces this September 14.
A vacation with a spiritual or educational component can deepen your interest in life’s great mysteries. Got ideas for an entrepreneurial venture—one that will bring more independence and flow to your workdays?
This new moon could serve as a launching pad. If there’s still a learning curve ahead of you, this is an optimal time to sign up for a specialized training or apply to a degree program. You could also start developing your own (multimedia) curriculum or feel the call to enroll in teacher training.
And remember, Cancer: You don’t have to go it alone! This Wednesday, March 6, revolutionary Uranus side-spins into Taurus and your team-spirited eleventh house. Thought leaders, disruptors, artists and innovators will flock to you between now and April 2026.
The question is, are you working with the right collaborators? With shake-it-up Uranus touring this zone, a casting call may be in order to find more suitable recruits. You’re as loyal as the hills, but that can become problematic if you’re trying to shoehorn the same old characters into a brand new script.
Get honest with yourself: Do these roles require a skill set outside of their wheelhouses? Emotionally, you might worry that your squad will feel abandoned, rejected, or worse—stabbed in the back.
Try to set that aside and first, think about what YOU need. Your progress depends on working with the pros, and your people will understand that if you explain it clearly—and transparently.
You already got a taste of this energy from May 15 to November 6, 2018, which may have brought some groundshaking energy to the Cancer crew. Trouble is, Uranus’ brand of change is not exactly gentle.
Some Crabs may have had a major falling out with a group or, conversely, life circumstances may have forced you to stretch, by giving up control and relying on others to bring your vision to life. (Hello, dream team!)
As you move into this seven-year circuit, disruptive Uranus inspires you to share your most outré ideas—and it gives you the confidence to bring others onboard with them.
The eleventh house rules humanitarianism and activism, and under this spell of do-good radicalization, you may find your calling—along with a tribe of likeminded idealists.