
You receive clearance for takeoff today, and this is sufficient to leave you hopeful about reaching your goals. Although the Moon’s return to your speedy sign makes you feel as if everything should be moving along faster, the deliberate Taurus Sun emphasizes consistency and maintaining a sustainable pace.

Don’t be in such a hurry now; endurance is more important than instant success. Slow and steady wins the race.


Your creative powers turn inward to intensify your dreams, amplify your desires and put you in touch with your soul. The stubborn Taurus Sun forms a harmonious trine to potent Pluto, cementing your resolve and enabling you to stand up to a formidable adversary. You are David and the strength of your convictions can bring down Goliath.

Unfortunately, you might feel lonely once you’ve proven yourself as a worthy opponent. Nevertheless, some activities are unavoidable no matter the consequences. Not every hero wears a cape.


An insecure boss or a disgruntled employee may withhold approval now even if you’ve earned it. Although your frustration could nudge you dangerously close to your boiling point, complaining about your dilemma doesn’t help the current situation at all. Nevertheless, it might be constructive to take a fresh look at your abilities and interests.

Fortunately, a resourceful Sun-Pluto trine enables you to find an underused talent that needs polishing or a special skill that’s in demand. Author Christian D. Larson wrote, “Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”


You are more aligned with your life’s purpose now, but you still may need to face an unpleasant truth about money or love. In either case, you can magically transform a difficult moment into a happy memory if you’re willing to reveal something you intended to keep secret.

The Sun in your 11th House of Long-Term Goals harmoniously trines shadowy Pluto, empowering you with an unwavering certainty that you can predict your future. Be courageous and boldly move through this delicate situation, even if you’re afraid of the dark.


You possess a deep reserve of energy that can fuel your current ambitions now and for a long time to come. Powerful Pluto revitalizes the Sun in your 10th House of Public Life, motivating you to consider the impact of your daily routine on your career.

Concentrate on your goals and avoid distractions to turn your losses into gains. However, all encounters with Pluto are reminders that you are not the center of the story. Instead, the more you can shift the focus to the larger group, the better for everyone.


You may be frightened by the depth of your feelings today, but you’re determined to step into uncomfortable emotional territory in order to resolve any lingering tension. The Sun’s trine to potent Pluto in your 5th House of Self-Expression adds another layer of complexity into your personal affairs.

Thankfully, there’s little negative consequence now for being your authentic self. Novelist Mary Robinette Kowal wrote, “Without passion there is no art, only technique.”


Cleaning house to eliminate unneeded possessions or tossing out emotional baggage makes perfect sense to you today. Fortunately, the Sun’s collaborative trine to evolutionary Pluto energizes a deep transformation that can shake the ground upon which you stand.

However, your patience and persistence are required, for the work that begins now will unfold over time. Don’t be surprised if old feelings of discontent creep back into your life. Nevertheless, a descent into self-doubt forces you to consider making a change that’s ultimately good for you.


A dark cloud may rain on your parade of love, but its cleansing waters can also bring refreshment and revitalization to your personal life. Although your key planet Pluto is luring you into the shadows for another round of psychological intrigue, its trine to the Sun gives you the fortitude to face a tough situation alone.

However, in a relationship, you and your partner are wise to join forces against an external enemy.


Although you might think a rocky relationship isn’t worth the effort, a powerful emotional wave washes through your life today and enables you to see the value in keeping it together. Thankfully, you have extraordinary confidence in your ability to help those in need due to a synergetic trine between the Sun and unwavering Pluto in your 2nd House of Self-Worth.

Just remember to be patient; people may not understand your urgency and could struggle to match your level of intensity. Legendary artist Prince said, “Compassion is an action word with no boundaries.”


Your current actions have a long-lasting positive impact, transforming feelings of discouragement into hope for a better future. You possess an innate ability to manage your impatience but can’t find a way to justify waiting for some moment that never comes.

Thankfully, evolutionary Pluto’s trine to the Sun in your 5th House of Love inspires you to tear down the walls around your heart. The best time for new beginnings is now.


You may be feeling invincible today, even if you recently survived a series of difficult challenges. However, you went out of your way to make sure that even your closest friends weren’t privy to your stress.

Thankfully, you possess all the power and stability you need to complete the most demanding jobs now that the Sun in your 4th House of Roots trines resolute Pluto in your 12th House of Endings. Change is inevitable; don’t do anything that might stop it.


You believe immediate gratification is yours today when it comes to money. However, you won’t be able to forgive any acts of selfishness or greed. Instead of attempting to acquire something special for yourself, consider what’s best for everyone involved.

Fortunately, the Sun’s superconductive trine to Pluto gives you the strength of character you currently need to get a job done. Your high hopes invite disappointment, but setbacks can build character and teach valuable lessons on how to achieve your dreams.

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