
A refreshing wave of energy lifts your spirits and encourages you to move forward with your preexisting plans. The chatty Gemini Sun warms your 3rd House of Communication, urging you to talk with nearly everyone you meet today about any subject that pops into your mind.

Although your eagerness to engage others in conversation can enhance your social network, your responsibilities may suffer. Feel free to enjoy the diversity of thought that people bring to your world now, but not at the expense of falling short on your commitments. Variety is the spice of life.


You realize how critical it is to communicate your needs clearly to those closest to you. However, you’re hesitant to reveal too much now because five planets have recently changed signs, and you’re still adapting to the new and unfamiliar landscape.

Don’t let anyone coerce you into saying more until you are ready. In the meantime, consolidate your position and clarify your goals. Bruce Lee said, “Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.”


It’s as if someone flipped a switch, lighting up your entire world. The Sun’s presence in your 1st House of Self places you in the center of the action now. It’s one thing to feel enthusiastic, but it’s even better when you have a well-defined plan to make your dreams come true.

However, unrestrained optimism can set you up for failure if your expectations are not grounded in reality. Your first step is to let your imagination run free, but your second step is to utilize a practical filter in order to reach your goal.


You don’t want to go into hiding now to be alone; instead, you wish you could make your escape with someone special. Unfortunately, it won’t be that simple to slip away unnoticed while the loquacious Gemini Sun and the dramatic Leo Moon push your dreams out into the open.

Sharing your fantasies with a co-conspirator may be enough to create a secret bubble where you can continue to plan your retreat. Something worthwhile is worth waiting for. Author Joyce Meyer wrote, “The right timing is not always our timing.”


It feels fantastic when you can start the new week in such a positive frame of mind. Regardless of any lingering problems or potential trouble on the horizon, you’re able to step out with your best foot forward. There’s no reason to worry about something that may never happen when you focus on making a good day even better.

Others might claim that you are lucky; however, you are currently an example of the Law of Attraction in action. Author Paul Meyer wrote, “Whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass.”


You may be encouraged by the fresh breezes that blow in a new set of circumstances at work. Although you happily anticipate the coming changes, you might suffer from information overload today as the fickle Gemini Sun illuminates conflicting data in your 10th House of Career.

You could receive instructions that contradict earlier ones, leaving you uncertain about your responsibilities. Do whatever you must in order to gain clarity. However, rest assured that any residual ambiguity will resolve by tomorrow. Patience is your friend.


A veil that prevented you from seeing into your future has magically disappeared, inspiring you with a vision of distant horizons in every direction. Although expanding your perspective is exhilarating, it’s also a double-edged sword.

The good news is you have more options than before. The bad news is it’s extremely difficult to choose one destination from among the many. Coach John Wooden said, “There is a choice you have to make in everything you do. So, keep in mind that in the end, the choice you make, makes you.”


You find it irritating when someone comes up with one good idea after another, yet doesn’t follow through on any of them. You wish they would think less and do more, but everyone else seems to be enamored with conversations about all the fascinating possibilities ahead. You want to put a stop to the endless chatter but hesitate to say anything for fear of being judged negatively today.

Fortunately, you can simply remove yourself from the discussion and quietly get on with your work. Socrates wrote, “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”


Although you frequently prefer living footloose and fancy-free, you can’t deny the benefits of a constructive collaboration. Interpersonal interactions are captivating, but others can temporarily lure you off track as the restless Gemini Sun shines its light on your 7th House of Partnerships.

There is much to gain from combining your efforts with someone else’s skills as long as you don’t lose track of your original purpose. Andrew Carnegie wrote, “Teamwork is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.”


Your agenda may leave little room for improvisation, but you’ll likely deviate from today’s schedule anyhow. It’s tempting to bite off more than you can chew when your current optimism prompts you to underestimate the time required to complete your tasks. Once you realize you’re overcommitted, you could become scattered as you try balancing your promises with your increasing panic.

Luckily, there is a simple way out. Be honest and share your dilemma with those involved as soon as you see what’s happening. Author David Weinberger wrote, “Transparency is the new objectivity.”


The cosmos hands you a permission slip today, enabling you to whistle a happy tune while you are hard at work. Others may wonder how you maintain such an upbeat attitude without missing a step on the job. Ironically, you can’t satisfy their curiosity because you’re not doing anything consciously different.

Rather than trying to rationalize your current enthusiasm for life, just grin and tackle the tasks in front of you. Happiness does not depend on what you have or who you are; it solely relies on what you think.


Receiving a wake-up call today is less shocking than reassuring as you are reminded to temporarily tuck your dreams back under your pillow. There is plenty of work to accomplish in the real world and you must focus on being productive rather than being creative.

You often do your best when you let your imagination set the pace for you to follow, but concentration is more important than contemplation now. Be about actions, not distractions.

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