You’re in an excellent position for solving problems in the practical or intellectual worlds now, dear Libra, as Mercury in your solar second house connects with healer Chiron.

The Moon and Venus happen to come together in this very same sector of your solar chart today. Look for opportunities to express your talents or knowledge.

Today and tomorrow, you benefit greatly from problem-solving related to finances, health, and work.

The power of the present and living in the moment is important now, but you’re also looking back at old ways of doing things that are vital clues to what not to do now.

It’s a time for appreciating and caring for what you have, and what you have will take care of you later. Talking through a problem can be powerful today and until the 9th.

You are closer to success than you think. Be patient and practical in your communication. You are tense and nervous.

Do not be fooled by the complaints of the people around you and do not help if they have not personally asked you to do so. Don’t over-analyze every small detail that crosses your path.

Accept without hesitation a proposal that will bring you good profit. Be careful, you may need to rearrange your agenda unexpectedly because of unpleasant news.

Stars give you the confidence to make bigger plans in the future. Trips are in your favor now. Do not allow harmful people in your life.

Your emotional equilibrium is beginning to be restored now. The peace-at-any-cost Libra Moon that has protected you like a security blanket over the last few days raises the cosmic ante when she slips into transformational Scorpio.

Although an intense exchange may rattle your cage, it cultivates an inner need to re-prioritize your desires with renewed zest.

As an air sign, you are often prone to dwell on the exterior of things, but this lunar shift elucidates the depth of your emotions and grants you permission to dig beneath the surface. Go deep or go home.

Today’s Quote: “Worry does nothing but steal your joy and keep you very busy doing nothing.”

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Excellent

Lucky Numbers: 11, 13, 14, 27, 30, 43

Daily Compatibility: Aquarius

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