There is some tendency to misjudge our capabilities today, dear Libra, and knowing this can help prevent problems and moodiness.

You’re in good shape for creative and imaginative pursuits or methods for approaching things, and if you can manage to escape others’ pressures or the need to follow a strict schedule or plan, all the better.

Poor planning or missed communications may mix up your schedules and plans, and relationship and family needs may seem to clash. This is a time for adjusting and resting before pushing forward.

It’s a natural time for reviewing recent events and recharging your emotional batteries rather than for leaping into something new with a splash. Whims experienced now are unlikely to have holding or staying power.

Once you get up to speed on a certain topic of study or a professional project, you quickly realize that you want more, more, more.

Every new lesson stimulates an insatiable desire to figure out the next steps. With this kind of visionary energy flowing today, it’s even possible to travel into uncharted territory to explore, experiment, and invent where none have gone before.

A fresh hobby or future occupation may be in the making now. Don’t hold back when it comes to pursuing your passion.

The Sun and Moon are playing musical chairs this weekend. Yesterday, while the Moon wanted you to come out and play, embracing the first adventurous lunar vibes of the year, the Sun was more focused on home and family matters.

Now, the Sun is ready to come out and play as he returns to a playful part of your chart, but the Moon has since moved onto your career sector, coming full circle from last month’s Full Moon.

Yet together they are showing you both sides of the fence, with a valuable work/life balance reminder.

Today’s Quote: “The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles we know nothing about.”

Lucky Numbers: 7, 17, 19, 21, 23, 26

Daily Compatibility: Leo

Creativity: Good

Love: Fair

Business: Fair

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