This is a busy time, dear Pisces, but it’s also an important period for slowing down and connecting with your intuition!
Today’s New Moon is in your sign, and just yesterday, Mercury turned retrograde in Pisces. As a result, the weeks ahead are powerful for beginning a new chapter of your life, and there can be some backtracking involved or the need for a creative path to getting where you want to go.
Reshaping your image if it needs tweaks can be in focus or altering your approach may be in order. Discomfort may be part of this whole process since it can motivate you to start fresh! Ease yourself into this dynamic phase of your life for best results.
Your innate compassionate and idealistic nature comes strongly to the fore now, and fortunately, others are seeking these things out, so you stick out as a leader. Keep in mind that you can be excited about plans, but you may overlook details and make errors if you rush.
As the Sun illuminates or spotlights your dreams and ideals, consider ways to connect more strongly with them, or dream up something new that more accurately reflects your current needs and wants.
A social cause that’s near and dear to your heart might be on your mind today, motivating you to do something big to promote it.
Although there are few limits on what you can imagine, there’s also little to be gained by jumping into a significant project before analyzing what your commitment really entails.
The Pisces New Moon magnifies your 1st House of Self, offering you the potential to see your connection to the real world in a new light.
You might know which actions could create the most impact, but you may be hard-pressed to share your ideas clearly now. Adjust your focus prior to moving on.
There are some mixed messages today, but if you don’t make this a case of one or the other, you can enjoy the benefits of both. The mixed messages come from the fact that you have a New Moon in Pisces, during Mercury’s first full day in retrograde motion here.
A New Moon is all about new beginnings, with a chance to commit to your new solar year, the future and the journey ahead. Yet Mercury has the brakes on and is turning his focus back onto the past.
Today’s Quote: “This morning do something different: When you wake up in the morning, wake your forgotten and forsaken dreams up as well, wake them up like an insisting rooster!”
Lucky Numbers: 8, 12, 24, 31, 38, 40
Daily Compatibility: Capricorn
Creativity: Excellent
Love: Good
Business: Fair