The Moon spends the day in your intimacy sector, dear Sagittarius, and you’re looking at the world a little differently now, taking on an observer’s role.

You may find yourself in the position to play detective, and this can be quite welcome and pleasant!

It can be a time of valuable, or simply enjoyable, researching and investigating. You’re looking for projects, people, and situations that capture your full attention.

This more profound focus on your feelings and desires can clash to some degree with your urge to take care of business.

Complicated emotions can interfere with your productivity when keeping things simple and straightforward tends to serve your practical purposes better.

Making room for both makes sense. Some of you could be dealing with a disagreement on a money, business, or ownership matter today.

If others seem to be disrespecting you, you’re inclined to take it quite personally!

You might feel as if your wings have been clipped, and there will be no soaring on the thermals now.

Although it might be tough to traverse great distances or to ascend great heights, explorations of the deep can still fulfill your dreams of adventure.

It doesn’t matter whether you’re in the waters of the great oceans of Earth or in the waters of human emotion.

Paradoxically, there is just as much to discover beneath the surface as there is in the starry heavens.

The Moon might be acting as an antagonist today, with an opposition with income forces potentially creating some financial tension, but the timing couldn’t be better.

Just as the Sun is spending his first weekend in your work sector and Venus her last, Saturn is spending his first weekend in retrograde motion in your income sector and Pluto his last in direct motion.

With Mars continuing to push income matters forward, pressure from the Moon in your financial sector is more likely to simply fuel your warrior spirit. It’s time to fight for what you deserve.

Today’s Quote: “For everything you have lost, you have gained something else.”

Lucky Numbers: 1, 5, 26, 30, 45, 46

Daily Compatibility: Libra

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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