The Moon spends the day in harmony with your sign, dear Sagittarius, which helps your mood and boosts your optimism.

Even so, people tend to be very indirect in their approach to getting what they want today due to some challenging Venus aspects, and it can be difficult for you to find natural or comfortable outlets for your desires.

A sense that you might stir the pot too much if you ask for something directly can slow you down, too. People can easily feel slighted, and maybe it’s better to avoid drama right now, which can very quickly escalate today.

While you may be drawing up plans now, you may lose interest in them later. It may be best to take more time to understand what it is you truly want.

Rhythms in relationships can be off temporarily, but don’t let this define your next move. You can be feeling a little vulnerable on a creative level as well, and more inclined to hide your light than share it, just for now.

Please yourself today, and avoid a tendency to overdo pleasing someone, as it won’t get you into a better position.

You are hesitant to talk about your plans for the future with anyone until you have more information at your disposal.

Although you are often the first one to pursue the chance of adventure, there is too much at stake now to risk losing what you’ve already gained.

Thankfully, no one is pushing you for a decision yet. In fact, you may be the only person who is even aware of your current dilemma.

There’s nothing wrong with keeping an unformed idea quiet until it’s further along in development.

There is something about today’s adventurous lunar vibes that punch well above their weight and all because of timing.

As well as supporting playful forces that are now regrouping, at a time when there is a lot happening across the job, relationship and financial fronts, this is a timely reminder that it’s all about the journey.

That is especially so on the job and income fronts, where ordinary updates have both turned into extraordinary new journeys. At the very least, a sense of wanderlust, curiosity and adventure can keep things in perspective.

Gandhi said, “Speak only if it improves upon the silence.”

Lucky Numbers: 15, 33, 34, 35, 41, 43

Daily Compatibility: Libra

Creativity: Fair

Love: Fair

Business: Good

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