A Sun-Pluto square influencing today can make it a little difficult to accept changes or to graciously let things go, dear Sagittarius, when doing so may be your best bet. Money and basic values can be tricky topics now.

Airing a problematic subject or concern can lead to healing, but it helps to avoid fixating on those issues that you can’t change. Trying to force an issue will only lead to frustration today.

While conflicts can erupt seemingly out of nowhere and can be confusing or overwhelming, they can eventually lead to a deeper level of bonding. Fortunately, we have a Venus-Mars trine lifting our spirits today as well, and you can find ways to turn competitiveness to your advantage.

Opportunities can come from behind the scenes or hidden sources and through your strong connections to others. Your confidence and motivation add to your appeal, and to your chances of succeeding at what you set out to do.

You can be especially productive today and might come up with genuinely brilliant ideas for business, work, or health routines.

Sometimes you are the inspirational light that everyone looks to with hopeful eyes. But occasionally, your holier-than-thou self-righteousness is like the screeching chalk on a blackboard that no one wants to hear.

Unfortunately, your best of intentions could precipitate self-defeating actions if you are so committed to an idea or a cause that you lose perspective. Thankfully, the remedy for this potential ill is easy: practice self-awareness.

With Venus now just two weeks away from your relationship sector, the Moon’s last visit before then is giving you a chance to get the communication lines open.

The Moon is also here to help out Mercury, as the planet of communication moves into his final days in retrograde motion.

Between them the Moon and Mercury give you the resources needed to give your heart, emotional responses, the past and unsaid words a voice.

Psychologist Carl Jung wrote, “Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”

Creativity: Excellent

Love: Excellent

Business: Good

Lucky Numbers: 8, 10, 15, 18, 21, 32

Daily Compatibility: Aquarius

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