You may be too close to a problem this morning, dear Taurus, and you may very well discover that the only way to resolve it is to pull back from it to gain perspective.
As the day moves forward, its energies encourage and reward simplicity. Even so, early today can find your undecided or restless. While Mars in your sign stimulates activity, the Moon in your home and family sector has other ideas!
Taking it easy makes sense, and as you do, you can muse about possible next steps and actions. As you focus your attention, you’re likely to find more opportunities through embracing your responsibilities.
Committing yourself to a particular project can act to bring you down to earth. It also becomes easier to detach yourself from tensions and problems if you pour your energies into something constructive.
You can take a load off your mind now by being productive, in fact. Later today, you’ll find it natural to make fortunate connections through your creative thinking.
Reestablishing peace with an estranged loved one is likely today. Even at this early stage, it’s a tremendous relief to feel a sense of resolution.
Now that you’ve come this far, don’t let anything or anyone get in the way of a cease-fire, since it could lead to a full-on truce. Be wary of any third parties who seem to be trying to keep the issue contentious.
Work things out and let bygones be bygones. Take the initiative. Nothing is as conducive to a good night’s sleep as an unburdened heart.
The timing of the Moon’s return to a playful part of your chart today is set to make these playful lunar vibes a lot more potent.
Coming full circle from last month’s Full Moon, the Moon that returns today is a waxing Moon, just two days away from becoming full.
The Full Moon won’t fall here, which gives you all the benefits of a Full Moon but none of the challenges. What will make these playful lunar vibes harder to ignore is that the spirit of adventure is developing a sense of rebellion.
Today’s Quote: “I can’t give you a sure-fire formula for success, but I can give you a formula for failure: try to please everybody all the time.”
Lucky Numbers: 2, 12, 32, 39, 42, 49
Daily Compatibility: Pisces
Creativity: Good
Love: Good
Business: Good