If home and family haven’t been your tippy-top priorities lately, watch for a big switcheroo on Monday, January 21.

The pre-dawn skies feature the year’s only Leo full moon, which doubles as a potent lunar eclipse that powers up your domestic fourth house. This is also the final eclipse in a two-year series across the Leo-Aquarius axis that began on February 10, 2017.

The next few weeks could bring a simmering issue to a boil—or trigger resolution. While you may have to navigate some speed bumps, at least you’ll know if you’re on the right road.

This eclipse can illuminate any fault lines in relationships and inspire bull-headed Taurus who’d rather stew silently in their juices to address an emotional conflict head-on.

If such a problem involves someone living under your roof, you might need to sit down together and talk through household responsibilities and expense-sharing.

There’s an upside to all this: Thanks to the creative Leo energy, you can make some aesthetic changes to your bullpen and then show them off with a dinner party. Or just invite your crew for a spontaneous potluck and let things unfold organically.

Been mulling a move? Over the next few weeks or months, you might hear about the perfect place to relocate to. If this means selling your current digs, get busy cleaning, decluttering and staging now!

Also on Monday, action-oriented Mars in Aries and your restful twelfth house squares off with cautious Saturn. Even if you THINK you’re ready to make a big move, make sure you read the fine print and nail down all the details well in advance.

Flying solo? Not for long! On Tuesday, the celestial “benefics,” amorous Venus and fearless Jupiter, hold their annual snugglefest in Sagittarius and your erotic, intimate eighth house. Regardless of your status, your personal bonds will intensify under this cosmic confluence.

It’s essential that you know what you want and need—as well as what you aren’t willing to settle for—because this magical mashup could help you manifest it! Are you in it for the long haul?

Be clear about that, with yourself and with new folks you meet. Single? Don’t feel like you have to “settle.” Set the bar high and don’t let anyone through who doesn’t reach it. If you feel a strong connection, bring up important issues early on to suss out whether their potential extends beyond chemistry.

Couples might be ready to talk about deeper levels of commitment, like cohabitating, pooling finances or making a major purchase together. If things are shaky, don’t feel funny about drafting a legal agreement. It could save major headaches (and money) down the road.

Your attention may turn to more personal, creative endeavors on Friday, so be sure to stay tuned in to the muse channel! A rare and animating alignment between action planet Mars and visionary Jupiter in your intuitive houses can spark brainstorms and breakthroughs!

This is a good time to follow your own guidance and not worry about others’ opinions. (They might not be able to keep up with or understand your mold-breaking ideas!)

Trust that you’re onto something, and share it with your inner circle and perhaps a handful of influencers who can help you reach a new audience. This could lead to a major payday, but take it one solid step at a time!

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