This week could be one of the brightest of the season for you, Leo! Monday, January 21, erupts with a Leo full moon lunar eclipse, which can bring a suitably dramatic end or completion to something you’ve been working on for the past six months.

This is the final eclipse in a two-year series across the Leo-Aquarius axis that began on February 10, 2017, so don’t be surprised if drumrolls and trumpet blares follow you all day. Eclipses bring things out of the shadows, from secret information to accomplishments you’ve downplayed.

Don’t be afraid to unveil one of your passion projects—you might receive more kudos than you expect. Not that that’s the goal. Making art, delivering a message or letting the world know what you’re up to is the real point.

If you need to refine things before your big reveal, take up to two weeks to hone it. This eclipse will pour jet fuel in your tanks, so you’ll want to be ready to take a leap of faith when your muse—or an agent or the media—comes a’calling.

If you’re unhappily unattached, make the necessary internal adjustments to get your groove back. Get a new hairstyle, sign up for dance classes, test-drive a new boudoir toy. Remember, this is about stoking your own embers, not “luring” anyone to your lair.

When you’re in full Leo swagger mode, you’re simply irresistible. In an LTR? Take the grown-up approach and talk about your feelings and needs candidly and with kindness. How you deal with them is the mark of a healthy relationship.

Also on Monday, passionate Mars in your ninth house clashes with steady Saturn: Make sure you’re acting on your authentic desires, not rebelling against a perceived limitation. That might not end well at all!

Tuesday’s starmap brings even more exciting news! Amorous Venus makes her annual merger with supersizer Jupiter in your flirty, fun-loving fifth house (AKA the “Leo house”).

While these two “benefics” meet up for one day every year, it only happens in sizzling Sagittarius and this love zone once every 12 years! If you’ve been playing it safe lately, it’s time to turn up the heat, whether on your love life or your creative impulses.

Shapeshifting to accommodate other people doesn’t look good on you, Lion. Take a cue from Leo style savant Coco Chanel and reinvent every rule of fashion. Or knock down all the walls and redecorate to your heart’s delight.

Come Friday, you won’t be able to think—or act—small if you wanted to! And thanks to a confidence-boosting trine between expansive Jupiter in your passion house and lusty Mars in your boundless ninth, you’ll be thinking AND acting globally.

While there’s nothing wrong with a calculated risk, be sure to check in with your logical side to avoid getting carried away with your big ideas or others’ rhetoric.

Things are opening for you now, but you still have to do your due diligence. But it’s worth pursuing a heated attraction or promoting your own entrepreneurial ideas. In fact, this is the moment to cast the widest net possible!

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