Certain relationships might take on a life of their own this Tuesday, November 6, when unpredictable Uranus moves back one piece on the game board.

Until March 6, 2019, the side-spinning planet slips out of Taurus and returns to Aries for one last lap of a journey that waged on from March 11, 2011 until May 15, 2018.

The dynamics with your S.O. or a business/project partner might start feeling very different from just a couple weeks ago when everything was so…under control! Ah, but that’s love for ya, Libra.

You may suddenly warm up to someone you swore was “so wrong” for you OR feel the urge to ghost after a lukewarm third date or meeting. (Challenge your conflict-averse nature and let ’em down gently instead of disappearing…) Indie-spirited Uranus in Aries certainly brought out the relationship rebel in you from 2011 to this past May.

This cycle gave you permission to rewrite Cupid’s rules, bending them to your desires. It’s also possible that you weathered some tough curveballs during the past seven years, for better, for worse…or both.

But if you’re honest with yourself, you also learned SO much about what it means to truly and unconditionally love another human being. For the greater part of 2018, you’ve been pulled towards people who are consistent and trustworthy, even if you had to sacrifice a little bit of “excitement” in the process.

As Uranus bolts back and aligns with adrenaline-junkie Aries one last time (and not again for eighty-some years), make sure you haven’t thrown out the baby with the bathwater. Is there someone you wrote off prematurely who deserves a chance?

Did you settle for a connection that is devoid of true passion because it felt predictable? Or…is there anything YOU can do, Libra, to make things exciting again? Of course, for any union to work, it has to be built on terra firma, with both parties feeling equally supported and turned-on.

As you look at ways you might rebalance the scales, be totally honest with yourself: Are there ways that YOU could be more flexible or accommodating—or have you bent over backwards like an Olympic gymnast? Seek a middle ground.

Your money mojo gets a boost from Wednesday’s new moon, which arrives in Scorpio and your second house of income. You’ve never been one to give a cheap gift, but going broke playing Santa is not a good look.

If the coffers are low, look for a side hustle for the holidays or organize a group gift for a big-ticket item you want to get for your mom, say. If you’ve been on the hunt for more gainful employment, circulate midweek. Your prospecting—both online and at networking events—could turn up a fruitful lead!

This Thursday, November 8, worldly, expansive Jupiter sails into Sagittarius, turbo-charging your sense of adventure and curiosity. This could be the most welcomed breath of fresh air you’ve had since October 10, 2017, when the larger-than-life planet settled down in Scorpio and your cautiously practical second house.

On the upside, you probably experienced some significant professional growth, clarified your next career trajectory (or at least figured out what you DON’T want to do anymore) and maybe managed to establish a greater degree of stability in your life.

But…yawn? Starting this week, you can start building on that solid foundation and broaden your life in exciting and inspirational new ways. For starters, get ready for a faster-paced social life between now and December 2, 2019.

You’re eager to make up for lost time, and you want it yesterday! You don’t need to span the globe to get your kicks, either. The third house governs local goings-on, and your hometown—perhaps your very own ‘hood—should prove a rich source of activity and, more importantly, fun.

You might want to start spending more time in nearby venues, whether for dinner, to grab a drink, shop or check out the local talent. Round up a few friends and become a regular at some neighborhood haunts.

A potential fringe benefit for single Libras: You could meet a very eligible prospect who lives within walking distance or a short commute away. If you’re not finding what you’re looking for, get the party started yourself! Create a Meetup, join the food co-op, take classes, get familiar with the cultural scene.

Since the third house also rules transportation, you might want to invest in a new set of wheels in the coming year, whether two or four.

You could be logging a lot of road miles, and you need a reliable ride. To make your commuting more pleasurable AND productive, upgrade your gadgetry (no more cracked screens!), sign up for intriguing podcasts or make a practice of learning new words of a foreign language with every ride.

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