This is a strong day for cooperation with others towards an important goal, dear Sagittarius, as well as for nurturing a progressive business or business idea.

There can also be connections made that facilitate educational pursuits, travel, or publishing.

Even so, the Moon spends the day in your private solar fourth house, and it’s a good day for tending to home and family, your support system, and personal matters.

Centering or pacing yourself gets you back on track, and taking special care of affairs at home or from their root leads to better prospects in the long run.

Look for opportunities to improve business and finances, but don’t strain yourself.

In order to build, you must start with a rock-solid foundation. Saturn brings external security to the forefront when the Moon illuminates the space of your inner security.

Pay attention to domestic concerns today. Being frugal and responsible with your spending will help you to proceed from a reliable base.

Jupiter shines a light on any self-destructive habits, but also expands your compassion for self and others. It is humbling and inspiring to know the infinite power of the universe supports your intentions.

As Mars completes his first week in retrograde motion in your communication sector you should be starting to see the benefits.

Unlike a Mercury retrograde phase this doesn’t create the potential for mixed messages, misunderstandings and mistakes, but does create more than just a chance to give the past and unsaid words a voice.

With this is a chance to change your mind, revisit old decisions and spend time at the drawing board. This is the ultimate opportunity for a do over.

Today’s Quote: “The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles we know nothing about.”

Lucky Numbers: 3, 14, 15, 34, 37, 39

Daily Compatibility: Leo

Creativity: Good

Love: Good

Business: Good

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