Try not to allow yourself to feel pressured to make snap decisions today, dear Taurus. It’s not the best time for clarity. As well, with Pluto in challenging aspect these days, fear may be behind pressures, stress, and actions.

You may feel that others are holding something back from you, or you might be frustrated about being in the dark about a matter, but it’s a good idea to draw upon your patience and ride things out.

You’ll learn more if you relax and observe rather than push, prod, and full-on investigate a matter. It’s particularly important to aim to understand yourself today with a New Moon occurring tomorrow in your sign. Concentrate on ridding yourself of attitudes that have been holding you back from personal success – aim to lighten your load.

You want to focus on concrete issues today, but it’s easy to forget your original intention once a discussion becomes intense. In fact, you could even be the one who steers the dialogue from a pragmatic debate into the realms of spiritual conjecture.

It’s fun to explore ideas and philosophies through the give and take of communication, but don’t wander so far off track that you lose the message.

Take the advice of Bob Marley to heart: “Keep it simple, keep it honest, keep it real.”

For the last 12 days a massive alignment between Saturn and Uranus has helped to boost your financial confidence and imagination.

This is about to run its course at a time when financial tensions might be rising. Saturn is the common dominator here and he’s a planet that demands that you take responsibility.

Yet he is also the planet asking that you approach money matters with confidence. As income and money matters start to clash be prepared to stand your ground.

Daily Numbers

25, 28, 29, 31, 33, 44

Daily Compatibility


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