You might return to an old project or problem today, dear Taurus, Mars moves into alignment with retrograde Mercury, turning your attention to something unresolved from the past.

This transit occurs in your home and family sector an area of your solar chart that’s getting quite a bit of attention right now. Your personal or home life can be very busy or even hectic now, however, as something is up in the air and you have little patience until it’s resolved!

Alternatively, this can happen on the inside, and your brain can feel overloaded or your mind races. Look for a real chance to get things done instead of simply letting your mind wind up.

However, brand new beginnings should wait since the information you need to make the best decisions may not arrive until after Mercury’s retrograde which ends on September 5th.

It’s all too easy to settle into a comfortable routine, but something is preventing you from taking the tried and true path today. There’s plenty to do around the home and, luckily, you have an opportunity to explore new ways of doing the same old things.

Taking a fresh approach may be all you need to put a bounce back into your step and a smile on your face. Meister Eckhart wrote, “Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.”

The focus is firmly on home and family matters this weekend as Venus, Mercury and Mars spend their first, last and only weekend together in your home and family sector.

However, the Moon didn’t get the memo and has chosen today to come full circle from last month’s lunar eclipse in your career sector.

For now they are not in each other’s way, especially as the Moon is more focused on fuelling your intuition and imagination.

Lucky Numbers

15, 16, 36, 38, 39, 43

Daily Compatibility


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