The morning is mostly smooth and has a natural flow to it, dear Taurus, as the Moon moves through and completes its transit of your sector of romance, fun, and leisure. Your emotions are similarly geared – you are looking for a good time!

As the day advances, your interest in recent new projects and ideas returns, and as the Moon moves into your work and health sector midday, you begin to seek out more productive or practical activities. Motivation to improve family or home life propels you forward, and today, it may be about getting organized.

This is also a fine time for taking care of your health and fitness. You’re striving towards a healthier, more engaged, and happier lifestyle.

You might believe that your newfound superpowers enable you to accomplish anything you set your mind to now. However, reality is the great scorekeeper and will likely reveal a more complex path to success.

Don’t allow discouragement to steal your thunder at the first sign of a setback. Establishing attainable goals is as important as working toward achieving them.

Richard Branson said, “If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes then learn how to do it later.”

All of a sudden the Moon’s monthly returns to your work sector have become a lot more important. Jupiter has been here since last September and in direct motion since early June.

However, it is only having Venus in your income sector that is creating some real momentum. Now in his final months, Jupiter is ready to bring things home.

This makes the Moon’s return today a valuable chance to get a feel for where to from here.

Daily Numbers

19, 21, 23, 27, 37, 43

Daily Compatibility


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